Our church family meets at 1139 South Bridge Street in New Martinsville, WV. We would like to introduce ourselves to you and let you know what to expect when you visit us.
When You Visit Us
First, you will be our respected guest. You will be greeted with kindness and courtesy. You will not be called upon or embarrassed in any way. Our assembly is not a display of emotion or excitement, but a simple and devout period of worship, patterned after the worship of the early New Testament church. There will be nothing to make you feel out of place. We preach the gospel in love, trusting that everyone present will evaluate it in the light of his or her personal life and responsibility. We believe that you will be impressed by a presentation of God’s plan and simple Bible preaching. Our evangelist is Paolo Di Luca and you may contact him by clicking here. You can learn more about our worship by clicking here.
Our Plea
In humility we cherish the hope that this church may speak as the Bible speaks and be silent as the Bible is silent, preach the good news of salvation to the unredeemed, encourage the weary, lift up the fallen, strengthen the saved and point out the way of life everlasting to all whose lives we touch. To reproduce faithfully the church of the New Testament is our aim. That all believers may be united to Christ is our plea. That God may use us as a channel through which His blessings may flow into the lives of others is our prayer.
Visit Us Soon
Now that you know us better, we hope you will visit us soon. We would like to have you at our next assembly to worship God and study His word. Many have said, “Had I known it was like this, I would have come sooner.” Come and see for yourself how the early church worshiped almost 2,000 years ago, and you will be our honored guest.
Schedule of Services
Sunday Morning Bible Class………………………………………………………….9:45 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship……………………………………………………………….10:30 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship…………………………………………………………………6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study………………………………………………..7:00 p.m.
Directions to Our Building
We are located in New Martinsville, WV, about 40 miles south of Wheeling and 50 miles north of Parkersburg, along the Ohio River.
Traveling south on WV Rt. 2, turn right onto Russell Avenue at the first traffic light south of the Ohio River bridge.
Traveling north on WV Rt. 2, turn left onto Russell Avenue.
From Ohio Rt. 7, cross the Ohio River bridge to WV Rt. 2. At the end of the bridge, take the first exit ramp (south on Rt. 2) and turn right at the first traffic light onto Russell Avenue.
Once on Russell Avenue, turn right at the first stop sign onto South Bridge Street, travel about a block and you will see our building on the right. (We are located next to Walmart.)